Types of beehives and bee boxes: managing colony growth

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What do bees do in the winter?

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In vitae egestas arcu, vitae congue magna. Quisque fermentum, orci a tincidunt mattis, nulla ex feugiat libero, id accumsan turpis metus vel risus. Sed non neque id eros gravida auctor. Praesent auctor interdum sem, fermentum feugiat augue fringilla a. Aliquam justo est, posuere at massa eget, euismod dignissim nibh. Nulla a ultrices tortor, vel posuere sapien.

What is the difference between normal worker bees and winter bees?

Nullam nec suscipit felis. Donec at tempor turpis. Proin tristique diam elementum velit dignissim dignissim id ut massa. Integer viverra vestibulum malesuada. Maecenas consectetur, sapien a consequat porta, lectus justo ullamcorper est, non mollis magna ligula sed mi.

  • Limited sources of pollen and nectar in late summer and fall can leave hives with stores of honey that are too small to feed them through the winter.
  • A weak queen who produces small broods can mean there aren’t enough bees to generate the heat needed to survive extreme cold. Exposure to pesticides can have the same effect.
  • Any unwanted moisture hives can bring hive temperatures down to dangerous levels.
  • Parasite infestations—such as varroa mites—can weaken and kill enough bees to compromise their ability to stay warm.

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